by Lindsay Maloan |
As part of my recovery from PPD, I learned through lots of expensive therapy that I also experienced what’s called postpartum rage. What could be a simple annoyance to a regular person could send me flying off the handle. My rage manifested itself in yelling,... by Lindsay Maloan |
The number one mantra we must learn as recovering women is: the best way to care for everyone else is to care for you first. Sounds easy, right? From experience, I can say that as mamas, self care is singlehandedly the hardest thing for most of us to learn. What’s...
by Lindsay Maloan |
Nearly two years to the day after my overdue diagnosis of postpartum depression and anxiety, I found myself pregnant and still on an SSRI antidepressant. We had been trying; I had done my research and consulted my OB and pediatrician for their thoughts on whether or... by Lindsay Maloan |
As I laid in the bed listening to my girls’ heartbeats and kicks on the monitor this morning, I cursed myself for making the phone call to my OB. I had been having constant pain in my abdomen for four days, which peaked to a point that I broke down in tears from the... by Lindsay Maloan |
The post-pee-on-a-stick euphoria lasted a couple of weeks. I can do this, I thought. I can wean off of my meds. And then two words changed my life. “It’s twins.” There’s no real way to explain the feeling of being stuck in a blender of sheer...