by Susan Petcher |
Ages ago, an online friend and fellow Warrior Mom Yael Saar invited me to write a Rainy Day Letter – a letter to myself written on a good day that I could read on a not-so-good day. I jumped at the chance because the most important thing I’ve learned...
by Susan Petcher |
Every mother’s journey through postpartum mood and anxiety disorders like postpartum OCD is her own. And it is a journey, for sure, complete with struggle, setbacks, joy and triumph. Today, Warrior Mom Andrea tells her about her journey from fear and pain to...
by Esther Dale |
When people ask me what I do or what I am, I hesitate. I’m never really sure quite how to answer that question. Not because I don’t know who I am, not because I suffer from a lack of self-identity, and not because I’m ashamed of who or what I am, but because there is...
by Kate Kripke |
Man, I love the work that I do. Truly. And recently a woman who I work with in my Boulder psychotherapy practice reminded me of this once again. What this phenomenal woman reminded me of is this: Emotional pain is excruciating, but even depression that keeps...