by Katherine Stone |
Tis the season for awards. Awards are important, and it's not just because both you and I like to get them. I would be lying through my Starbucks-stained teeth if Isaid I didn'tlike getting recognition for the work I do. You bet your ass I do. But nominating... by Katherine Stone |
The Motherhood Consortium will be hosting its next meeting on Friday, January 29th. The topic of the meeting will be the parent/infant experience in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Dr. Vladimir Lipovetsky, MD, PsyD, will present "Mending Precarious Links:... by Katherine Stone |
For reasons that I still don't quite understand, the links to the posts I've written so farfor PBS' "This Emotional Life" website were all wonky. So, once and for all, I'm going to give you the links and cross my fingers that these are now... by Katherine Stone |
Rev. Susan Gregg-Schroeder of Mental Health Ministries has created a 4-session resource and study guide for clergy and communities of faith in response to the questions she gets from people who want to include spirituality as part of their treatment and recovery...