by Katherine Stone |
Hey mama. You look beautiful. Really, you do. I know you probably don’t feel that way, what with the lack of showering, lack of sleep and lack of any sense of normalcy. But, you look great, I promise. Motherhood suits you, even though you may not feel suited for...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Mom, When you can’t believe that you’ll feel better, let us believe for you. When you can’t see through the hormonal and chemical induced fog that has taken you over, let us see for you. When you haven’t slept enough in weeks or months... by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Moms, Ten years ago, shell shocked, exhausted and swollen, I left the hospital, toting a newborn in a car seat. The car seat we spent hours installing, then had checked at the local police station to ensure we had done it properly. My entire pregnancy had... by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Moms: From the moment I learned I was pregnant, my baby was my world. She was all I could think about and we were so excited to be expecting. Expecting. That’s kind of a loaded word, isn’t it? You spend your time pre-baby not just waiting, but... by Katherine Stone |
Love is so beautiful and so heartbreaking Dear New Mom, You feel like you SHOULD be enjoying your precious new baby, and all aglow. Instead: You might be feeling pretty anxious right now. You may feel completely out of control. You may feel like your child might die...