Hypnosis For Postpartum Depression?

Hypnosis For Postpartum Depression?

There are a variety of different therapies for anxiety and depression, including postpartum depression. Cristi Comes decided to try hypnosis, or hypnotherapy, to help deal with a past trauma, and today she’s sharing her experience with us.  Hypnosis: A funny...

Fighting Against Mom Smackdowns

Most of the time, when I comment about parenting issues, it’s those that are related to postpartum depression, whether it’s breastfeeding, or medication, or sleeping through the night. It’s tough as all get-out to be a mom with PPD, not to mention...
On Crochet and Postpartum Depression

On Crochet and Postpartum Depression

[Editor’s Note: Kathryn Vercillo, who blogs at Crochet Concupiscence, recently published a book  called Crochet Saved My Life featuring the stories of women who used crochet to get through difficult times. One of the women in the book, Rachel, shares the story...