Finding Art in the Dark

Finding Art in the Dark

Artists are often characterized as moody, dark, misunderstood. We are a suffering sort, regardless of the form our art takes whether it be digital, acrylic, collage, words, wood, and so on. Our ability to create something phenomenal comes from the way we view and...

On Finally Being the Rock

Life takes us sometimes, grabs us tightly around the waist, turns us upside down, and shakes us until we are mere shadows of what we once were. Then, just as abruptly, it sets us back in an upright and locked position, only without everything solidly locked back into...
Show, Don’t Tell: The Fine Art of Advocacy

Show, Don’t Tell: The Fine Art of Advocacy

Show, don’t tell. This is one of the greatest tenets any writer has drilled into them at an early age. Show, don’t tell. Show us the action. Do not describe the tree, show us the verdant ferocity with which it lived -through calm, sunny days as well as...