by Lauren Hale |
Are postpartum depression and puerperal psychosis, also called postpartum psychosis, the same thing? A recent blog post at Supercoder exclaims there will be a new code for Postpartum Depression in the ICD-10. What’s the ICD? The ICD ” is the standard...
by Lauren Hale |
Before I experienced Postpartum Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and depression, I will admit my self-care during my adult life was nearly non-existent. I still had interests, hobbies, things I loved to do, but I didn’t put any of it into practice on a regular... by Lauren Hale |
Authenticity is defined as real, not false or imitation. Original. Genuine. This is what we should strive for as women, as mothers, as people. To be that which we are deep down instead of cookie cutter copies of those around us. It’s only when we dare to step... by Lauren Hale |
I dove headfirst into blogging about Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders because of Karen Kleiman. But I grew into an online advocate because of Katherine Stone. She embraced me as I fumbled through the early days of running a blog, a website for struggling women,...
by Lauren Hale |
I have always adored marching bands. I loved going to high school football games, not just to watch the football and socialize, but to hear the fantastic music echoing from the school’s marching band. The way it drifted across the field and swept from the ground... Page 8 of 9« First«...56789»