by Katherine Stone |
Right now you may be struggling mightily. The holiday season is a really crappy time to struggle. Not that anytime is a good time, but you know what I mean. I'm thinking of you. I want you to know that with help, you are going to get through this. I know you... by Katherine Stone |
Today is my birthday, and so I wanted to share with you my birthday wish … I wish that some day every woman who is pregnant or postpartum and has overwhelming feelings of sadness, or anxiety, or rage, or hopelessness, or has intrusive thoughts, or...
by Katherine Stone |
Get ready for a giveaway on Monday … because I've got a copy of "Dropping the Baby and Other Scary Thoughts" by Karen Kleiman and Amy Wenzel in my hot little hands.
by Katherine Stone |
It’s time for the annual top ten posts roundup. These were the top 10 most popular stories on Postpartum Progress this year, based on reader email, retweets, blog traffic and comments. If you missed one, be sure to check it out! 1. 20 Things I Never Want to Hear... by Katherine Stone |
It's Thanksgiving week, thus a perfect time to tell you what I'm thankful for. I have an inordinate amount of things to be thankful for, so here goes. I'm thankful for you. I thank you for reading this, for coming back and for supporting Postpartum... by Katherine Stone |
Another day of the 21-day self-care challenge under your belt! “Laughter is the best medicine” is an old adage, but not worn out or trite. Deep inside you know the bottom line: laughing makes you feel better. It cheers you up. It helps you let go. It brings you into...