by Jennifer Marshall |
Neither of my two pregnancies were normal. Four weeks after my first child was born, I experienced postpartum psychosis and had to be hospitalized for almost a week. Five weeks into my second child’s pregnancy I was manic and also required a week-long hospitalization... by Jennifer Marshall |
I never really stopped to think about mamas out there who experience PPD after miscarriage, until I heard Christine’s story. But PPD after Miscarriage is real and should be talked about. Please read and share her story, as understanding what she went through... by Jennifer Marshall |
I think of mental illness the same way I view cancer. It can strike anyone at anytime. For me, the time came at the age of twenty-six. I was blindsided. Two manic episodes two weeks apart; two stays in two different psych wards at the end of 2005. If the first time... by Robin Farr |
A few weeks ago, my mom and my husband both retweeted an article on 10 ways to show love to someone with depression. I thought it was sweet that they took the time to read and share it, figuring it was the usual advice. But then I clicked on it and had a total...