by Robin Farr |
Today’s guest post is an excerpt from The Digital Mystique: How the Culture of Connectivity Can Empower Your Life—Online and Off by Sarah Granger. The summer of 2005 found me in a distressing place. I was on vacation in London with my husband—and was six months...
by Robin Farr |
In case you missed it on Facebook (or don’t follow us there), Katherine posted this note on Christmas Eve. I thought it was worth sharing here too. Happy happy holidays to all of our beautiful Warrior Moms out there. We love you. If you are not enjoying this...
by Robin Farr |
This is a guest post by Sharline Chiang, a writer based in Berkeley, originally from New Jersey. She is a proud, long-time member of VONA, an amazing community of writers of color. When my daughter was born I had no idea that I’d go from ecstatic to fighting thoughts... by Robin Farr |
The following is a conversation between members of the Warrior Mom Book Club after reading Inconsolable by Marrit Ingman, the latest in our maternal-mental-health-related reads. You can visit the author’s website at Welcome to the...
by Robin Farr |
A guest post by Kristin Shaw When I was going through a divorce in 2004, I was sad, hurt, angry, and I cried a lot. A whole lot. I prayed to make the pain stop, and I would call my mother sobbing. “I can’t take this, Mom,” I would say. I’m sure her heart was breaking... Page 1 of 712345...»Last »