by Katherine Stone |
We've talked quite a few times about breastfeeding here, only because it's such aBIGHONKINGMAJOR issue for those of us who suffer from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Do I breastfeed or don't I? How will the baby be affected by the medication if I... by Katherine Stone |
I have some exciting news. At least I hope you'll think it's exciting. Postpartum Progressis becominga non-profit organization. I want to be able to do even more to support women with perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. I'd like to be able to raise money...
by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note:Postpartum Progress reader Katie wrote this on her blog today, and I wanted to share it here. Way to go Warrior Mom! -Katherine] stig-ma (stig-muh) a mark of disgrace or infamy; a stain or reproach, as on one’s reputation Medicine/Medical a... by Katherine Stone |
Calling all dads! Postpartum Support International is hosting itsmonthly FREE forum formen – if you have any questions at all about perinatal mood or anxiety disorders, this is the call to make. It's this Monday, August 2 at 8pm Eastern. (The next one...