by Kylie Abrahams |
Pregnancy is a miracle, they said. You will love your journey, they said. Be grateful, they said. Well I say however magical it can be at times, pregnancy is gross, my friends. That’s right. I’m calling it. There are too many bodily changes to keep up with... by Jenna Hatfield |
[Editor’s Note: We have something special for you today. It’s a poem from Postpartum Progress board member, Deborah Rimmler. Maybe it’s just what you need to read today, coming off the high or low of Mother’s Day. -Jenna] Call of the Warrior... by Miranda Wicker |
Hi Mama, You are an incredible mom. Whether you are a birth mom, adoptive mom, step mom, stay at home mom, working full-time mom, working part-time mom or a pregnant mom. You are amazing. When I first was diagnosed with PPD/PPA nearly 8 years ago with my first child,... by Miranda Wicker |
Dear Momma, You just gave birth. You did it. No matter how that baby entered this world, you were amazing. Your mind is probably racing. This baby with soft, wrinkly skin, 10 fingers and 10 toes, and a grin that can break and then heal your heart all at once is yours.... by Jenna Hatfield |
Dear New Mama, Is there anything more jump-off-the-train-track of your life than having a baby? There wasn’t for me. When my first baby was born, my life was switch-tracked at 100 mph. If I had known there was a junction up ahead, I could have braced myself. Had...