[Editor’s Note: We have something special for you today. It’s a poem from Postpartum Progress board member, Deborah Rimmler. Maybe it’s just what you need to read today, coming off the high or low of Mother’s Day. -Jenna]

Call of the Warrior Mom
Tuck into my slipstream,
I’ve got you.
Save your strength,
we’ve got you.
Your sorrow, your rage
your fear,
we’ve got them, too.
Let us take the front.
Mighty wind doesn’t bother us.
We know it by name.
Time your wings to ours;
draft peacefully.
We know how tired you are,
and sad or hopeless.
We’ll get you home.
Then we’ll circle above.
for your next journey.
And we’ll be there
then, too.
One day you’ll fly
like us
at the head of the flock.
Telling that wind
you know damn well
how to fight it.
~Deborah Rimmler