by Jen Gaskell |
Do not dismiss postpartum depression with a shrug and an eye roll, Ms. Albert. It affects one out of every seven women. Ms. Elisa Albert wrote a book After Birth that I will definitely not be reading. Her main premise is that women do not have enough support for...
by Heather King |
Birth trauma, you could call it that. My first daughter was stillborn at full-term in December of 2012. I went into labor and delivery that night expecting to soon meet my little girl only to be told by the doctor while sitting in front of a still and silent... by Jen Gaskell |
Music has always been a part of my life. I realized the depth of my struggles through postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety when I could not recall the last time I played music. I sang bedtime songs for my daughters, and that was the extent of it. I grew up... by Jen Gaskell |
I hid this side of my struggle with postpartum depression from everyone but my immediate family. My postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety manifested itself in rage. Postpartum rage made feel like I suffered from a split personality disorder. On the outside, I...