A couple years ago, I wrote about 9/11 and how it contributed to my experience with postpartum depression, given that I was still in the maternity ward after having just had my first child a few days earlier.
I’m not sure I can say any more than I said then. If you’d like to read it:
Tragedy & Misery Intertwined: 9/11 & The Birth of My Postpartum OCD
Even though I started the battle with PPD 7 years ago, I still have those fleeting glimpses of falling back into the void. My motto now is "deal with it". Once you have been to that pit of hell, it is hard to come back completely. Keep fighting ladies, it does get better. My story is: Had a beautiful baby boy. Due to jaundice we had to stay in the hospital for an extra week. Mom came to stay and help me for a month as we lived on a farm in NC and were originally from CT. Baby coliced 24-7. Started having intrusive thoughts and panic attacks. Mental health in NC is horrible and I finally realized I had to see a shrink or I was going to die. Thought my baby started looking evil, I was losing it. 9-11 anniversary came around and I got even worse. I finally had to admit myself to the psych ward to get help. My husband was my rock during this, and I don't know how he did it. It was a long trip back, and I will be on meds forever now, as my seritonin never bounced back, but I am alive and a good mother. My son is happy and smart and I have a good life. You can do it too. Just fight.