by Katherine Stone |
Once a month I get hit with it. Right before my period. It’s not so obvious as getting whacked in the gut with a bat, but more like a thick black fog rolling over me that I don’t even notice until I’m plunged in the darkness and it’s too late....
by Katherine Stone |
So here’s the deal my therapist, social worker, midwife, psychologist and psychiatrist friends: GET THEE ONLINE. I was speaking with a therapist today who specializes in PPD and she was lamenting her online presence. The conversation inspired me to give all of...
by Katherine Stone |
Maybe a year or two ago, I was giving a speech about perinatal mood and anxiety disorders to a group of healthcare professionals. In the speech I spoke about risk factors for postpartum depression and I mentioned a history of premenstrual dysphoric disorder or severe...
by Katherine Stone |
There are a lot of scary things in life that I’m happy to say I’ve never experienced. I’ve never been chased by a bear, for instance. Or fallen off a cruise ship. Or accidentally eaten poisonous mushrooms. I have, however, had postpartum OCD and...
by Katherine Stone |
Welcome Warrior Mom and guest Sherri Goodall on the blog today, sharing her PPD experience for the first time ever!! In 1997 I had just been given a severance package from a struggling non-profit. Because they were struggling, they offered me a combination of money...