by Katherine Stone |
As I’m sitting here with my five year old upstairs pitting Barbies against each other I wonder, is there a time limit on postpartum depression? Because essentially from the moment she sprang forth from my loins I became postpartum. It’s beginning to feel... by Katherine Stone |
Dear Moms, Perfection is unattainable. Striving for perfection can be a debilitating time suck that usually results in feelings of guilt, failure or complete and utter dismay. So why is this myth, an age-old Superwoman image of motherhood, still very much alive in our...
by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post might be triggering for some moms as she openly discusses intrusive thoughts bordering on psychosis in detail. Please only read if you are in a safe space. -Katherine] Dear New Moms, Congratulations! Life as you knew it...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear Moms, If a magic mirror had told me what was going to happen to my mental health after having kids, I probably would have thrown in the towel before I ever got started. You see, motherhood, in all its beauty and glory, kicked me *hard* in the rear end and sent me... by Katherine Stone |
Dear Girl Like Me, This has to be my third or fourth draft of this letter. I started it several times, but could never finish it, and now I think I know why:I was trying to write a comtemplative, serious letter full of wisdom and strength, but after two paragraphs or...