by Katherine Stone |
You’re never gonna know what the exact right thing is to do. You just aren’t, whether you are a mom who’s had postpartum depression or not. How much does that suck? Being a parent is tough business, and for those of us with postpartum depression or... by Katherine Stone |
The jury is still out, in my own little opinion, on the effectiveness of "teletherapy" vs. face-to-face therapy. Can someone get as much recovery out of a therapeutic relationship with someone over the phone or via computer as they can with someone right... by Katherine Stone |
Are you suffering from postpartum depression or anxiety or OCD or psychosis right this very minute? Then click on the links below. See how these two Warrior Moms, from I Can Grow People and Medicated in Minnesota,are making it through to the other side and looking... by Katherine Stone |
I wanted to share this interesting exchange that occurred in the Comments section when I wrote this week about two recent, tragic instances of mothers killing their young children and the assumptions people make that every time a mother kills her child the act was... by Katherine Stone |
Not that this would come as a surprise to most of you, but a newly published study finds that women who are suffering from some sort of medical condition during pregnancy are more likely to have depression or anxiety. This comes from the Archives of Mental...