by Katherine Stone |
Exciting news just launching today! Text4baby is a new, free mobile information service providing timely health information to pregnant women and new moms from pregnancy through a baby's first year.An educational program ofthe National Healthy Mothers, Healthy... by Katherine Stone |
Yesterday we focused on the amazing story of Heather and her experience with and recovery from postpartum psychosis. And then this: Amother in San Antonio killed her two young children, ages 1 and 3, on Tuesday. Andthis: A mother in Edmonton Canada killed her two...
by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: Today, I welcome a guest post from Heather, who has bravely and graciously agreed to share her story of postpartum psychosis in hopes it will help others. This piece may feel triggering to some, so please only read if you are in a safe place.... by Katherine Stone |
The Obama administration weighed in last week on insurance coverage for mental illness and substance abuse treatment. As of July 2010, some new rules will apply, including these: Health plans offered at companies with more than 50 employees who already offer mental... by Katherine Stone |
In her article in the Huffington Post on sleep and postpartum depression, Kim West makes a recommendation for brand new moms with postpartum depression with which I wholeheartedly agree: Split nighttime baby duty so you each get at least one five-hour uninterrupted...