by Katherine Stone |
It’s going to be a busy travel week here at Postpartum Progress … headed out at the crack on Wednesday morning to Los Angeles. First, I’ll be filming a postpartum depression segment for Kids in the House, then seeing my dear friend Erin for a few,...
by Katherine Stone |
Yesterday, President Obama unveiled his plan for gun control and improved mental health in this country, in response to the tragedy in Newtown. I’ve seen a lot of chatter about mental health on Facebook and Twitter ever since the shooting. Many of those with...
by Katherine Stone |
The website Black and Married with Kids has a follow up post to the one I mentioned last week on postpartum depression: It’s Okay To Admit You Need Help. The newest article, also written by Christine St. Vil, is an interview with Dr. Joshua Johanssen. I really... by Katherine Stone |
Molly Wizenberg, restaurateur & author of the blog Orangette and the book A Homemade Life, wrote in her blog this week about being diagnosed with postpartum depression: When I was diagnosed, and when I was first trying to make sense of it, what I wanted most was... by Katherine Stone |
The New York Times reports on a large study finding no link between stillbirth and the use of antidepressants during pregnancy. According to the Times, the Danish study of 1.6 million births, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that,...