by Katherine Stone |
There’s a new study published in Maternal & Child Health’s March 2012 issue about the impact of maternal depression on the health of children. What interests me about the study is that it seems to indicate, to me anyway, that moms who get treated for... by Katherine Stone |
The National Premature Infant Health Coalition will be hosting a webinar on May 9, 2012, from 2-3pm Eastern on “Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Postpartum Depression (PPD) in Parents of NICU Babies”. The featured speaker,... by Katherine Stone |
Men get depressed in the first year postpartum, too. Whether you call it paternal postpartum depression or something else, what we do know is that new fathers’ suffering can impact the health of their children just as the depression of new mothers can.... by Katherine Stone |
Every now and then I get some really awesome news, and today would be one of those days. I’m on More magazine’s annual Fierce List this year. As described by More, the Fierce List is a, “pride of lionesses … who’ve most impressed us with...
by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: It takes a long time to get over postpartum depression. Not just the illness itself, but the period afterward where you continue to look over your shoulder, or feel angry and bitter that you were deprived of a happy infancy with your new baby, or...