by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: How women are treated during labor and delivery can have a direct impact on whether they develop postpartum post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/or postpartum depression. It doesn’t matter if the doctors and nurses have seen it all... by Katherine Stone |
I wrote this piece for today on new research finding that moms with postpartum depression and/or anxiety are more likely to wake their babies in the middle of the night unnecessarily. Hope you’ll visit me over at Babble today to read it. by Katherine Stone |
Is there ever a way to really help someone understand what it is like to go through postpartum depression? Why you are the way you are right now (or were then, if you’re a survivor), thinking the things you think during PPD? Probably not. So we justify. We... by Katherine Stone |
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania are studying women’s experiences as they become mothers for the first time. One of the goals of this research is to understand risk factors for depression and anxiety among new mothers, although you do not need to be...
by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: I’m a skin picker. I pick and scratch at my skin, especially around my fingernails. I’ve always thought of it as a manifestation of my OCD. When I start getting nervous, I’ll start picking at my cuticles or scratching my...