by Katherine Stone |
Over the next two weeks, I will be doing two speeches on postpartum depression and related perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. I wanted to let you know in case you are nearby and would like to attend: The first is Wednesday, October 19th. I’ll be speaking at... by Katherine Stone |
I’m noticing a whole heck of a lot of you haven’t been opening your Daily Hope emails lately. (Yes. I can see that. I get reports on what percentage are opened, which are opened, etc.) So … are you finding that they aren’t helpful? Would you...
by Katherine Stone |
I’m often asked by mothers who want to breastfeed about which psychiatric medication is safe. First, I want you to know that it is a myth that you must quit breastfeeding if you are going to be treated for postpartum depression. I’m always saddened to hear...
by Katherine Stone |
I have become especially interested in the phenomenon of Postpartum Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as of late. I live and work in a community where “natural” choices and Attachment Parenting are both respected and expected by many. Bradley Childbirth Education...
by Katherine Stone |
So this tweet goes out on Twitter today saying that Zoloft causes autism when women take the medication during pregnancy. Mamas start getting nervous. Upset. Understandably so. As you might imagine, I take immediate notice. What is the source? I find the tweet that...