Depression setback or just a bad day?

Depression setback or just a bad day?

Many people who have experienced depression (of any sort) know what it feels like when you start slipping. That’s how I’ve always described it – it generally isn’t really one giant, fell-swoop sort of crash, but more like that feeling you get...
What If You’re Still Fighting PPD?

What If You’re Still Fighting PPD?

Last week was a big week here at Postpartum Progress. It was the site’s 10th anniversary, and therefore the 10th anniversary of Katherine’s start as a powerful advocate for women with postpartum depression and similar mood disorders. In celebrating that...

Lindsay Maloan: On Motherhood and Baseball

Dear Mama, Motherhood is a little like baseball. You have your moments where you shine, and moments where you’re put out. As time progresses, you’re surely going to get curveballs. Maybe it was an unexpected pregnancy. Maybe it was an illness. Maybe it was twins....