by Susan Petcher |
There’s nothing like connecting with another mom who has been through postpartum depression, anxiety, OCD, psychosis, or has experienced any of these illnesses during pregnancy. An instant understanding and sisterhood binds you together, as you share your story... by Susan Petcher |
I am honored to introduce my friend Susan Goldberg who is courageously sharing her story of postpartum depression for the first time. Susan’s discussion of how parenting books exacerbated her struggle resonated with me in a way I hadn’t anticipated.... by Susan Petcher |
I had the thrill and honor recently to attend the recent Special Legislative Commission on PPD meeting with Representative Ellen Story this month. My new friend (and fierce advocate and mental health professional) Mara Acel-Green extended an invitation to the open... by Susan Petcher |
Sex after baby. We all know the cliche about its nonexistance – after all, the sleepless nights, the leaky breasts, and the lack of personal space that accompany a newborn aren’t exactly aphrodisiacs. But sex after postpartum depression? Is a uniquely...
by Susan Petcher |
I suffered from postpartum depression and anxiety with a side of OCD for two years after my first child was born. And though I sought treatment and began my path to wellness after my baby had her five month birthday, it took every last day of that additional 19 months...