by ADriane Nieves |
Liz Bauman is an American wife, mom, and writer living in Weisbaden, Germany. When she’s not camped out behind her computer screen, she quests for castles, plays Dungeons and Dragons, and drinks a lot of tea. Earl Grey. Hot. She’s also one of my favorite people,...
by Jennifer Marshall |
As a mom with bipolar disorder who blogs openly about my experiences surviving a postpartum mood disorder, people often ask my opinion on ways to deal with and manage their diagnosis. I am not a medical professional, so I hesitate to even answer these emails. But my...
by ADriane Nieves |
Warrior Mom Kass shares her infertility story today as a guest contributor. Although she knew she was at risk for developing postpartum depression and anxiety because of her existing bipolar disorder, she was still surprised and disappointed to find herself in the... by Jennifer Marshall |
I think of mental illness the same way I view cancer. It can strike anyone at anytime. For me, the time came at the age of twenty-six. I was blindsided. Two manic episodes two weeks apart; two stays in two different psych wards at the end of 2005. If the first time...
by Cristi Comes |
After the birth of my 2nd child Ellie, my mental health changed dramatically. I started to have symptoms of mania, which until then had not presented themselves. After going through what I thought was postpartum depression and anxiety, I’ve come to understand... by ADriane Nieves |
Today I’m sharing part 2 of my journey through pregnancy while living with Bipolar Disorder. You can read part 1 here. I delivered on 11/12/13 at 12:15pm after only 4 hours of labor. It was calm and peaceful without any complications. My sweet boy arrived in... Page 2 of 6«12345...»Last »