by Katherine Stone |
[Editor’s Note: After suffering a manic episode because of miscommunication about medication with her doctor, Kimberly shares tips on how to make sure you understand your treatment plan. Kimberly is a Warrior Mom and also has bipolar disorder. -Katherine] I...
by Katherine Stone |
Last week Kimberly wrote about her experience with hypomania. I heard from many of you who wanted more information about this, so I wanted to offer my understanding of the difference between hypomania and mania. (Physician readers, I expect you to speak up if you... by Katherine Stone |
Mania. Have you had it? I never did. I do understand from others, though, that it can sometimes seem like a pretty cool thing. Like you’re on top of the world. Except being manic, in the end, is not a good thing. Here’s how author and bipolar disorder... by Katherine Stone |
Current Psychiatry reports on clues about whether a postpartum woman has bipolar disorder instead of postpartum depression. This is important, because many of the postpartum depression screening tools do not look for these types of symptoms. These clues include: being... by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Mom, When I was asked to write about my ‘story’ and where I am today…I wasn’t really sure what angle to take. I could be my jovial self and share in a humorous & unassuming way the ups and downs of motherhood for me. But if I did... by Katherine Stone |
I wrote about the Otty Sanchez plea bargain on Tuesday. Then I received the following from Postpartum Progress reader Hajara Kutty. Hajara is a coordinator in Ontario for Postpartum Support International. Read her opinion about postpartum psychosis and how the... Page 4 of 6« First«...23456»