by Katherine Stone |
A future grandmother recently wrote to Lisa Belkin, blogger of the New York Times' Motherlode blog, sharing her worries over her daughter's antepartum depression. She was seeking advice from other mothers who've been through depression during pregnancy. I... by Katherine Stone |
Last week came research published on the effect of taking antidepressants on the developmental milestones of infants for those women who have depression during pregnancy. As reported by Jennifer Thomas of HealthDay: Using data on more than 81,000 babies born in... by Katherine Stone |
As we have discussed previously, a mother’s depression can affect her child. This includes depression in pregnancy. Depression can negatively impact bonding and attachment. It can slow cognitive development. The longer the depression goes on, the more harmful... by Katherine Stone |
Gary Schwitzer at Health News Review took a look at last week's media coverage of the research results on how acupuncture can impact depression during pregnancy. It's interesting to read his review, because it gives you an idea of how each media outlet writes... by Katherine Stone |
New York Times Motherlode blogger Lisa Belkin reports on a study newly published in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology finding that acupuncture has the potential to treat depression in pregnancy, also known as antenatal depression or antepartum depression.... by Katherine Stone |
This week Time published what I think is a very balanced piece on depression during pregnancy, also called antepartum depression or antenatal depression, and how it should be treated. We gaveTime a pretty hard time last year about their coverage of postpartum... Page 10 of 16« First«...5...89101112...15...»Last »