by Katherine Stone |
Dear Moms, Perfection is unattainable. Striving for perfection can be a debilitating time suck that usually results in feelings of guilt, failure or complete and utter dismay. So why is this myth, an age-old Superwoman image of motherhood, still very much alive in our...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear Moms, If a magic mirror had told me what was going to happen to my mental health after having kids, I probably would have thrown in the towel before I ever got started. You see, motherhood, in all its beauty and glory, kicked me *hard* in the rear end and sent me... by Katherine Stone |
Dear Girl Like Me, This has to be my third or fourth draft of this letter. I started it several times, but could never finish it, and now I think I know why:I was trying to write a comtemplative, serious letter full of wisdom and strength, but after two paragraphs or... by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Moms, Mood and anxiety disorders take a tremendous toll on the individual woman. There are consequences for those who love and depend on her. Motherhood is a tough gig. When a mother is suffering, the basic tasks of caring for an infant or older child are... by Katherine Stone |
February 2008 To: Postpartum Depression From: Suzanne You suck. I mean, you really, really suck. Because of you I cry ALL THE TIME. I'm afraid to leave my house. Walking to the mailbox is a feat. I'm also afraid of my baby, which is the worst torture of all. I... by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Mom, You Go, Girl. So you've had a baby. Congratulations! Now what? The myth has already been dispelled. By now you know that conceiving, getting pregnant, staying pregnant, giving birth, nursing and taking care of an infant is nothing like what they said...