by Jenna Hatfield |
Dear New Mama, I had a plan and remarkably, it worked. I wanted to have two children and around two years apart. In the grand scheme of things, it seemed like a good idea. I would be back to work in less time, they would have each other as companions. Vacations,... by Miranda Wicker |
Dear New Mom, From the moment I became pregnant, it felt like the world was whispering messages of “not enough.” I didn’t drink enough water, get enough sleep, consume enough leafy greens. The stack of pregnancy and parenting books on my nightstand was a testament to...
by Miranda Wicker |
Dear new mom, It can be overwhelming to have a day where all the attention is on you. It seems to have been the exact opposite since your little one was born. I always felt like I could have been in a corner and no one would have noticed I was gone. You may be having...
by Miranda Wicker |
Dear Mama, As if adjusting to life with a new baby and dealing with painful postpartum physical healing wasn’t difficult enough, I’m sorry to hear that you’re also among the many mothers who are battling a peri-/postpartum mood disorder. I’ve been there, sister, and I...
by Miranda Wicker |
Dear New Mom, I see you. I see you hiding in your room trying to figure out if this was the best idea. Watching your newborn’s every move. Analyzing her every sound. I see you looking at your new, unknown body, pained in places you didn’t think would ever...
by Miranda Wicker |
Hi Mama, You are an incredible mom. Whether you are a birth mom, adoptive mom, step mom, stay at home mom, working full-time mom, working part-time mom or a pregnant mom. You are amazing. When I first was diagnosed with PPD/PPA nearly 8 years ago with my first child,... Page 1 of 3012345...101520...»Last »