by Miranda Wicker |
“Perhaps you will wake up and find the sun shining and the birds singing…Perhaps it will be fine tomorrow.” Virginia Woolf, “To the Lighthouse” Dear mama, In the book, “To the Lighthouse,” one of the characters is a little boy who is upset because the...
by Cristi Comes |
Dear New Mom, “Happy Mother’s Day! Today, it probably feels like you’re treading water, or even drowning. Motherhood is not what you expected. Inside you feel like Mother’s Day is absolutely not the holiday for you. It’s a day to celebrate the “happy”...
by Miranda Wicker |
Dear New Mom, Postpartum depression. I knew what it was. I knew I was at risk for it because of previous depression and anxiety. But I never thought it would *actually* happen. In fact, I suffered for months, making excuses for why I felt this way. I felt guilty,...
by Jenna Hatfield |
Dear New Mama, Is there anything more jump-off-the-train-track of your life than having a baby? There wasn’t for me. When my first baby was born, my life was switch-tracked at 100 mph. If I had known there was a junction up ahead, I could have braced myself. Had...
by Miranda Wicker |
Dear New Mama, How are you? Yes, YOU. I really want to know. I’m sure everyone else has been cooing over your new little one, as most people do, but not me. I’m here for you. Personally, I’d rather not be around a screaming newborn. Or a newborn in general. ...
by Miranda Wicker |
Dear New Mama, I see you. I see the love you have for your child, even if you don’t quite feel it yet. I see the exhaustion in your eyes. The questioning if you are doing things right. The worry. The fear. Some of these are normal new mama things. Sometimes they are... Page 3 of 30«12345...101520...»Last »