by Katherine Stone
Postpartum Progress Research Citations Iwill continuously update the followinglist ofpublished research studies from respected journals that are related directly to postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, postpartum psychosis and antenatal depression. I have... by Katherine Stone |
The March of Dimes is hosting Fight For Preemies Day on November 17. Premature birth is a health crisis that jeopardizes the lives and health of nearly half-million babies each year. It is the #1 killer of newborns and can lead to lifelong disabilities. November 17 is... by Katherine Stone |
Psych Central has released its list of the top 10 bipolar blogs for 2009, as written by Sandra Kiume. Go check them out! by Katherine Stone |
While it is currently believed that postpartum depression isn't purely a genetic or chemical disease, and that external factors play a part, researchers have been looking more closely at the biological side of things. A new study reported in the American Journal... by Katherine Stone
tristeza posparto Nos da gusto saber que desea aprender más sobre la depresión postparto. Es una enfermedad común que afecta a las madres y también a sus familias. Los científicos creen que los cambios en los niveles hormonales durante y después del embarazo pueden... by Katherine Stone |
MedEdPPD is conducting a quick, 2-question survey about a potential university-based study of women of childbearing age who have a history of depression. They would like you to take a few moments to answer the survey (Quick & Easy!), and would additionally request...