MedEdPPD is conducting a quick, 2-question survey about a potential university-based study of women of childbearing age who have a history of depression. They would like you to take a few moments to answer the survey (Quick & Easy!), and would additionally request that clinician readers of this blog point their patients to this survey.

The survey asks you to help evaluate the idea of a study aimed at preventing, without antidepressant medication, a recurrence of depression in pregnant women with a history of depression. (If this is possible, that would be fantastic!!) They want to see if there is enough interest among childbearing women to take part in the study.

If the study is conducted, women in the program who are on antidepressant medication would taper off of it before trying to become pregnant. Clinicians would monitor study participants during pregnancy and after birth for signs of depression and would be helped with selecting a non-pharmacological treatment if they become depressed.

Women who might want to take part in the study could include:

  • women who have had past depression and want to prevent it from recurring while they plan for pregnancy, during the pregnancy, and after the birth
  • women who may be taking antidepressant medication and want to discontinue it before getting pregnant
  • women who have had one or more episodes of depression and are worried about having it come back when they become pregnant.

Participation is completely anonymous and requires no personal information. Click here to answer the 2-question survey.