by Katherine Stone |
Remember when we did this? Orwhen you decided to participate in this? And this? How about this? Because of those things, and the hard work of so many,you were able to accomplish this. WAY TO GO YOU!!!!!!!!!! by Katherine Stone |
While most of us were focused on family and celebration during the holidays, the US Senate was sneaking by a Christmas Eve-morning-before-the-cock-crows vote on the Healthcare Reformbill. It passed. As it turns out, the Melanie Blocker Stokes Mothers Act wasindeed... by Katherine Stone |
This week, as part of the debate over healthcare reform, the U.S. Senate passed an amendment to Senator Harry Reid's healthcare bill that would support funding for postpartum depression screening. Thisamendment, led by Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), is unrelated... by Katherine Stone |
Wow. Not only does run a story on postpartum depression that is essentially correct but they also link to information on how to support the Melanie Blocker Stokes MOTHERS Act. No sensationalism. No BS. Just a real story on PPD and how... by Katherine Stone |
Here are some moreviewpoints on the Time magazine article on postpartum depression and the MOTHERS Act from some interesting women's websites and authors around the web: Jezebel — where many of the commenters seem to be pretty informed, which is nice. One... by Katherine Stone |
Because I had to take a break from blogging while moving (which, may I say, is such a HUGE, FREAKING NIGHTMARE!!), I missed out on sharing with you a few more letters written to Timemagazine by some amazing advocates for women with PPD. So I must share them with you... Page 2 of 10«12345...10...»Last »