by Kate Kripke |
[Editor’s Note: This is part 2 of our series on how postpartum depression and related illnesses can negatively affect your marriage or partnership, with tips on what you can do about it. Check out part 1.] We know that marital and relationship conflict is a risk...
by Kate Kripke |
While we know that the first year after having a baby is statistically the most difficult for marriages and partnerships, we certainly cannot say that every woman who is struggling with postpartum depression or a related illness will also be in a marriage or... by Katherine Stone |
Today is International Women's Day. So let's talk about a significant health problem for the female population: postpartum depression. We know that postpartum depression and other perinatal mood and anxiety disorders are common. We know they are fully... by Katherine Stone |
You may not have been aware of this, but recently the country of Canada was considering whether to eliminate its infanticide law. As reported in the Montreal Gazette, Ontario's top court ruled that "a woman who kills her newborn baby can continue to use... by Katherine Stone |
Postpartum depression was like a ticking time bomb inside of methatgrewmore quickly than the tiny being growingin my womb.But unlike the forcefulkicks I felt from my son or his sweet hiccups that kept me up at night,I never felt postpartum depression. I didn't... by Katherine Stone |
I have had several people ask me lately about what I did the second time around in order to try and head off another bout of PPOCD or PPD. I know how scary it can be to contemplate having another child. My “another child” is turning 5 this Sunday, so in...