by Becky Schroeder |
Mindfulness meditation is an effective way to train your mind and body to relax and to be more welcome and accepting of whatever comes your way. If you’ve never tried it, here’s your chance! Headspace makes learning meditation through mindfulness easy. You... by Susan Petcher |
I am honored to introduce my friend Susan Goldberg who is courageously sharing her story of postpartum depression for the first time. Susan’s discussion of how parenting books exacerbated her struggle resonated with me in a way I hadn’t anticipated.... by Becky Schroeder |
The holidays are here and we know it’s not always the brightest and most fun time of year for everyone, especially those mamas who are struggling through PPD and other related illnesses. We want you to know we’re always thinking of you, our loyal Warrior...
by Lindsay Maloan |
I’m not on my SSRI anymore. It happened accidentally-I would get so scatterbrained with work and taking care of the twins plus the preschooler that I would totally forget for a day, then take it the next day and swear I wouldn’t do it again. That happened...
by Lindsay Maloan |
As part of my recovery from PPD, I learned through lots of expensive therapy that I also experienced what’s called postpartum rage. What could be a simple annoyance to a regular person could send me flying off the handle. My rage manifested itself in yelling,... by Lauren Hale |
Are postpartum depression and puerperal psychosis, also called postpartum psychosis, the same thing? A recent blog post at Supercoder exclaims there will be a new code for Postpartum Depression in the ICD-10. What’s the ICD? The ICD ” is the standard...