by Susan Petcher |
I was in my first trimester of my first pregnancy when antenatal anxiety washed over me like the tide, insidious and unstoppable. We were living on our own in the midwest at the time, and the loneliness was crushing. I compensated for my irrational worries by...
by Lauren Hale |
The biggest question I am asked about Postpartum OCD on a regular basis is also the one I dread the most: “Do intrusive thoughts go away?” My heart breaks when I am asked if the thoughts go away because I know where they are, how they’re feeling. How FRUSTRATING it is...
by Susan Petcher |
Every mother’s journey through postpartum mood and anxiety disorders like postpartum OCD is her own. And it is a journey, for sure, complete with struggle, setbacks, joy and triumph. Today, Warrior Mom Andrea tells her about her journey from fear and pain to...
by Katherine Stone |
There are a lot of scary things in life that I’m happy to say I’ve never experienced. I’ve never been chased by a bear, for instance. Or fallen off a cruise ship. Or accidentally eaten poisonous mushrooms. I have, however, had postpartum OCD and...
by Katherine Stone |
Dear New Mom, As a parent, you get used to hearing an infinite amount of questions about everything. “Why is the sky blue? Was the TV always in color? Why can’t I wear shorts today? Can I eat M&M’s for breakfast? Why do I have to go to school?... by Katherine Stone |
As I shared earlier this week, it is possible that postpartum OCD occurs much more often than originally thought, perhaps in as many as 10% of new moms. Since there’s so much discussion about postpartum OCD in the news, I wanted to make sure we talked a little...