by Anne-Marie Lindsey |
I feel so lucky to have an amazing husband; he is a friend, partner, father, and the passionate love of my life. When I struggle hardest, however, it doesn’t look like the marriage I just described. I want to share his most helpful insight with all of you, here,... by Katherine Stone |
The latest and greatest stories from the internet, on postpartum anxiety, trauma, antenatal depression and PPD … Postpartum Anxiety Is A Legitimate Thing — Analeed Marcus writes at XO Jane about not knowing there was such a thing as postpartum anxiety, and...
by Cristi Comes |
Medication, while important for many, really shouldn’t be the end-all-be-all when it comes to treatment of postpartum mood disorders. I’m not a doctor, of course, but I’ve learned this lesson over and over throughout the journey of my own mental illness. ...
by Cristi Comes |
I’ve known many mamas out there who have lived through postpartum depression with treatment that included medication. I’ve also known others who were hesitant to take them, or chose not to for many many reasons. Its such a personal choice and I would never ever judge... by Lindsay Maloan |
As I laid in the bed listening to my girls’ heartbeats and kicks on the monitor this morning, I cursed myself for making the phone call to my OB. I had been having constant pain in my abdomen for four days, which peaked to a point that I broke down in tears from the...
by Susan Petcher |
At a recent mom’s night out, a friend of mine said, “Nobody really tells you the truth about motherhood,” which sparked a discussion about how blindly each woman goes into life as a new mom. Some of us said we were warned about how hard it would be,...