by Katherine Stone |
For those of you struggling with postpartum depression or anxiety right now, I can only imagine the pressure you are feeling about the holidays. You may wish you could just avoid them altogether, yet the train keeps coming down the tracks and there’s no... by Katherine Stone |
*edited* The PBS article referred to in this post has expired from the PBS site. Much of the content remains below* I’m very excited to share with you that I have been asked to blog on the topic of postpartum depression over on PBS’ “This Emotional... by Katherine Stone |
Speaking of the alternative treatment methods for postpartum depression I wrote about yesterday, I forgot to mention the endless self-help gurus who sell you their wares as the key to getting a fulfilled life, happiness, the perfect weight, the perfect husband and a... by Katherine Stone |
Thanks to Sara R. and Jennifer L. for sending me their photos for the Warrior Moms Photo Album! It’s an awesome thing to see pictures of smiling faces when I know that not so long ago those same faces were filled with despair. You both are an inspiration to...
by Katherine Stone |
Perhaps you’ve seen a list of symptoms on other health websites, but I doubt you’ve seen one like this. We’re going to talk about the signs of postpartum depression and anxiety, but in “plain mama English”. We won’t use words like... by Katherine Stone |
Over at the Confessions of a First Time Momblog, the writer shares her very compelling experience with postpartum anxiety. You should read the whole thing, but I wanted to highlight one particular part: "I honestly didn't realize I was suffering from PPD. I...