I usually only write about women on this blog, which I think you’ll agree makes perfect sense. But, upon reading Beyond Blue over at Beliefnet, I came across links to two recent articles by Dick Cavett on depression. Mr. Cavett, as some of you may recall, hosted "The Dick Cavett Show" on both ABC and public television, has appeared on Broadway, and has a blog called "Talk Show" at The New York Times.

I’m going to give you a few highlights and then send you directly to the posts:

On the fact that you can’t tell by looking: "… I can assure you that whether it’s enduring an unwelcome house guest, your co-workers or your tax man, one of the wretched ailment’s mysteries is that you are in fact coming off 10 times better than you feel. Or think you look."

On how easy it is to believe the awful things we think: "I’ve decided that the single worst thing about this illness is its terrible authority. I mean the way it thunders at you, ‘This is the reality. This is how it is and how it’s going to be. Any memories of fun or wellness are flukes, delusions. And will never come again. Now you have 20/20 vision and see life for the dreadful mess it really is.’"

Smiling Through

Smiling Through, Part 2

As I mentioned in a comment I left on his post, I think we should make him an honorary Warrior Mom, despite his lack of ovaries. Enjoy the laugh at the end of Smiling Through, Part 2. I cackled OUT LOUD. In the middle of Starbucks.