I am so overwhelmed with yesterday’s participation in Blog Day for the MOTHERS Act. If you scroll down and take a look at yesterday’s post, there is quite an amazing list of bloggers who took the time to write about the MOTHERS Act and postpartum depression and encourage their readers to call their Senators and urge them to support the bill. Some women shared their experiences with PPD for the very first time yesterday. I am so humbled by their bravery, and the willingness of so many people to speak out. Not to mention all the people offline who sent emails to everyone they knew asking them to make calls!

For those of who forgot to blog, or ran out of time, please do it today or tomorrow! I’ve heard that the Senators’ phone lines were quite busy yesterday, though I can’t say for sure it was because of us — I HOPE SO! I want to make sure every single voice is heard, so please continue to speak up if you haven’t had the chance yet. Each of you is important to us. Here’s a link to the instructions if you still want to participate.

Thank you again to BlogHer and Postpartum Support International for joining in this effort and providing great resources, energy and support.