There are lots of stories out there about postpartum depression and related illnessesright now. Some of you have sent links to me, and others I have found as I surf through the web. Wanted to share these Warrior Mom stories…

The mom at Life With Our Little Water Buffalo shares her story of post-adoption depression

This is from Ginger at LoveMyDox — she wrote it years ago but I really thought it was a compelling description of what many mothers feel like when they have postpartum depression/anxiety. I really identified with her "one hour feels like a thousand years" comment because that's how I felt when I had PPOCD.

The mom from I Cry, Therefore I Am shares her story of getting treated for PPD and then getting off of medication

Also, Kathy from Dreamy Babies shares her story of postpartum depression and why she waited so long to get help

You're not alone ladies. These moms are just a small example of how many are out there just like you. Call your doctor and get the help and support you deserve.