And another GREAT PPD story from the Dig Your Toes In blog … here is a highlight:
For me, PPD looked (looks) like this:
- Feeling off. Just off.
- Feeling disconnected–from my life, from my kids, from my husband
- Feeling like I’m in a ‘fog.’
- Lacking joy. Lacking joy in being a Mom, in little things that I normally love, in life in general.
- Guilt, guilt, and more guilt.
- Just feeling down
- Having my ‘default’ attitude be negative and pessimistic rather than fairly optimistic
- Wanting to run away. To sleep, to hide, to curl up in a ball.
- Shrinking when my children cried.
- Inability to focus
- “Escaping” often. To the computer, to phone calls, to books, to anything to get me out of my ‘real life’ and my feelings.
- Snapping at my children very, very easily
- Feeling overwhelmed all the time
- Feeling like no matter what I just couldn’t get it all together.
And a link to the Unfolding… blog and another story about PPD.