Ok, ladies. This is a strange question, I know. I hope it doesn’t seem too weird. Anyway, for a couple of years now people have been after me to write a book — friends, family, etc. I have completely resisted it because there are so many good books out there already (which I promote on this site!) and because I have no interest whatsoever in re-inventing the wheel. But yet I keep hearing about it. I’m wondering if God is trying to get my attention! So I’d like to get your thoughts on the subject. Do you think I should write a book about postpartum mood disorders? Do we need another one? If so, what do you think is missing from the books that are already available? If I wrote one, I would want only to complement the great work that has already been done by Shoshanna Bennett and Pec Indman and Sandy Poulin and Ruta Nonacs and Karen Kleiman and Sylvia Lasalandra and Diana Lynn Barnes. It would have to be different. I have a few ideas on that, but I’d really like to hear from you. (A couple of hints: It wouldn’t be a memoir because Brooke Shields and Sylvia and others have already done that very well. And it wouldn’t be clinical because the fabulous doctors and therapists have already covered that off.)

YOU are the people that MATTER. I only write this blog for YOU. So I want your opinion about what you feel is needed, and what the women who may experience postpartum mood disorders in the future could use, if anything. Email me your thoughts at stonecallis@msn.com. Thanks ladies.