by Robin Farr |
Dear Mama, If I could tell you one thing today, it would be this: No matter how you feel right now, you are at your very core already okay. After I had my first daughter, I was so lost. So alone. I remember lying on my couch watching the Food Network at 4 in the... by Robin Farr |
Dear New Moms, I’m sitting in my kitchen with the windows open. The springs here are cool and wet, and the breeze fills the house with a much-needed freshness. From my kitchen table, I can see my 2-year-old as she plays on the back deck with her water table and...
by Robin Farr |
Dear new mum of a premature baby or baby with special needs, I know this isn’t what you expected—a baby born too early or with some medical complication(s) following birth, but this is now your and your family’s reality. You’re feeling a myriad of feelings and... by Robin Farr |
Dear New Mom, I am you. I am either you three years from now, or five months ago. I am hoping it is only the former, as the mother of the most incredible three-year-old girl, Bex, and a survivor of postpartum depression and anxiety, who is now halfway through her...