by Katherine Stone |
Postpartum Depression Education Alert –> Jacksonville Baptist Health will be hosting PSI’s Perinatal Mood Disorders 2-Day training course on April 4 and 5 at Baptist Medical Center in Jacksonville, FL. The course is an evidence-based curriculum designed... by Katherine Stone |
Many of you have complained to me in person about not getting your subscriptions to Postpartum Progress in your email anymore. This is GOOD!, because that means you really like knowing what’s going on here. This is also BAD!, because then you miss out on all the...
by Katherine Stone |
Thanks to those of you who have participated in the first two Warrior Mom Book Club reads and to those of you who have read and commented on the reviews here. In case this is all new to you, check out this post. The Warrior Mom Book Club brings together moms with...
by Katherine Stone |
While the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests pediatricians screen for postpartum depression, not all of them do. I’m happy to have Natasha Sriraman, MD, MPH, FAAP, IBCLC as our guest today. Dr. Sriraman is a board-certified pediatrician in Norfolk, VA....