by Katherine Stone |
Recently I was surprised to receive a complaint about coverage of infanticide and postpartum psychosis here on Postpartum Progress. The gist of the complaint was that we’re not giving enough support to moms who have had postpartum psychosis or those who have...
by Kate Kripke |
Katherine recently asked me to write a post on postpartum depression and divorce. She wrote: I’ve had a mom recently ask about divorce … how to deal with it when a husband divorces you over PPD. There are some moms whose husbands treat them horribly...
by Katherine Stone |
I came upon a story today on entitled “10 Ways Your Mind Is Smacking You Around.” It’s a great piece about the ways in which our brain can take us off balance, lead us astray, and really make a mess of things. Here’s just one...
by Katherine Stone |
The MGH Center for Women’s Mental Health analyzes a recent study of 42,000 women in Norway and how their anxiety or depression affected their breastfeeding, as well as how quitting breastfeeding affected their depression or anxiety. In the past there...