by Kate Kripke |
It seems that the majority of my posts end up coming across as discussions on why it is important to reach out for support if you are struggling with a perinatal mood or anxiety disorder like postpartum depression, which makes sense, I guess, since I am a... by Katherine Stone |
This made me a little bit mad today. Well, actually a lot mad, but I try to contain myself as much as possible. You probably won’t like it either. New, from me, at Something Fierce: Adele Has A Baby And the Postpartum Depression Jokes Kick Into High...
by Katherine Stone |
Oh, ladies. My dear friends. I hate to see any of you struggling through postpartum depression or anxiety. I’m so sorry you’re suffering right now. In the last two weeks I have seen four of you get hospitalized for postpartum depression or a related... by Katherine Stone |
Warrior Mom Jill, who has been struggling with postpartum anxiety, wrote a letter to her son to give to him on his 18th birthday. She is our guest contributor today. Hudson, I finally feel like I’ll be able to be the mom you deserve to have. You see, for the...