by Katherine Stone |
Herewith, the latest news and research on postpartum depression: Stress in pregnant mothers is linked to postpartum depression – A study recently presented at Neuroscience found that chronic stress in pregnancy blocks the brain benefits of motherhood. In rats.... by Katherine Stone |
So CNN came to my house a while back. They wanted to do a segment on postpartum depression. Afterwards I didn’t hear anything, so I just moved on. Then last night Amber Koter-Puline of Beyond Postpartum sent me a link to this: [yframe...
by Katherine Stone |
Warrior Mom Tana W. shares how she buried herself even deeper in her work while going through postpartum anxiety just to feel a sense of purpose. After an unplanned c-section due to some medical complications and a four-day hospital stay, I was desperate to get out of... by Katherine Stone |
I come from a line of Katherine Sullivans. It all started with Katherine Sullivan Madden. Then there was Katherine Sullivan Gorman. Then me, Katherine Sullivan Stone. Katherine Sullivan Gorman was my Aunt Kit. Oh, how I loved Aunt Kit. She was my mother’s...