by Katherine Stone |
If you have anxiety, too, you might want to know this: I have been conducting an experiment on myself. I’m trying out this thing called good nutrition. Normally, I’m the type of girl who doesn’t eat breakfast, is way too busy to ever get to lunch,... by Katherine Stone |
I recently told you that I (Katherine Stone) will be speaking about postpartum depression in Boston (Needham, MA) on February 15 at the invitation of Isis Parenting. That event is for physicians only, and several people expressed disappointment that the event was not... by Katherine Stone |
I’ve been excitedly waiting for news that my best friend from high school has finally become a daddy. I’ve trolled his and his wife’s Facebook page for the last two weeks. But that baby is hanging in for more ice cream and cookies. The other day, his wife had sent a...
by Kate Kripke |
If you recognized yourself in my story about winter blues, seasonal affective disorder, and postpartum depression, then my goal is to be able to offer you some hope with these tips. 1. If you do see sunlight, try to get outside, even if for only a few moments. We do...